To whom hasn’t it ever happened before? I was skimming through my wardrobe the other week, looking for nothing in particular when I suddenly came across this maxi cardigan. Huh, where did you come from? I haven’t worn it in at least over half a year, and when I asked myself why I couldn’t even find an answer. However in that moment I decided that it’s definitely time to sort my stuff out, but before doing that I went to an event at the City Hall and that’s what this post is about – or more specific: what I wore there.

As usual, you can shop the look directly from the links at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! 🙂


Lately it’s been that kind of weather that makes you second-guess everything about your outfit before leaving your house. It might be warm and sunny in one moment, but can be chilly and windy in the next one. And since the weather forecasts have been as unreliable as ever one had no other chance than to perfection the onion-look and basically be prepared for anthing.

Anyway, earlier last week I went to an event at the City Hall square which started in the afternoon and went on until 10pm. It was all about food and drinks and music, basically everything I love! All in all promising to be a fun night except for the weather.

The struggle was real. What should I wear? It was really hot in the sun, but would get really chilly in the evening so I settled for the following look, wearing my new white jeans I bought in Italy and a comfortable silky blouse. But instead of bringing a jacket or coat I pulled out this maxi cardigan that I have only worn a few times before. It turned out to be the perfect solution since it was not too warm in the daylight and kept me cozy once it got dark.

Maxi Cardigans are perfect for transition periods when it’s still chilly outside but not really the time to wear your trench coat anymore. They have been really trending this past seasons, coming in all different shapes and variations. This knitted example is the only one I own but I’m planning on getting lighter ones for the summer. There’s really cute ones in crochet-style or just thin fabrics, with or without sleeves, printed or plain – I’m pretty sure there’s a perfect match out there for every taste and person.

And only this year I’ve developed a love for white jeans. I have never really worn any before or at least not in the past couple years. Don’t ask me why just now I got obsessed with them, but it just sort of happened. They remind me of warm weather and lighten my mood since they’re really easy to combine as well. In my opinion, bright and neutral colors work best with them, but then again, bright and neutrals are my favorite colors to wear in general. 😉 ….I’m just saying that I wouldn’t necessarily combine a white pair of pants with a screaming neon color, are you getting where I’m coming from?

But before I go on and on with this but I will let you be for today and move forward to the rest of the photos.

Let me know what you think of them, the outfit, and the way I combined the single pieces – and find the Shop this look! section at the bottom of this post.


Shop this look!

Jeans: Abercrombie&Fitch (similar)

Blouse: MANGO (similar here)

Cardigan: Bershka (similar)

Ballerinas: Buffalo

Necklace: NewOne

Bracelet: MANGO (n.a.)

Glasses: RayBan

Handbag: Louis Vuitton Speedy

As usual, thank you for stopping by, let me know what you think of this look and stay tuned!



  1. turbanchic

    May 25, 2016

    Lovely Outfit !

    • Alice

      May 26, 2016

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  2. rachelsthingsandmore

    May 26, 2016

    Ganz schöne Kombi.:)

    • Alice

      May 26, 2016

      Vielen Dank Rachel! 🙂 LG

  3. imeastyle

    May 26, 2016

    I love this outfit. I think you chose the perfect outfit! 🙂

    //Timi from

    • Alice

      May 26, 2016

      awe thank you so so much Timi!❤️

  4. nadineadriana

    May 27, 2016

    Ich kenne das, wenn man auf einmal neues altes im Kleiderschrank entdeckt 🙈 Der Look steht dir super gut! Lieben Gruß Nadine

    • Alice

      May 28, 2016

      Haha,gottseidank war es diesmal ein erfreulicher Fund! 😀
      Vielen Dank! LG 🙂

  5. annalenaloves

    June 2, 2016

    Tolles Outfit! Es steht dir wirklich sehr gut. 🙂

    • Alice

      June 2, 2016

      Vielen herzlichen Dank! Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt! 🙂

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